Well, you might have noticed that I took winter break off from blogging. Sorry about that! But even though life stopped for about three weeks, I hit the ground running this semester. I am taking seven classes, one of which is an independent study looking into a social history of hand knitting! I am also excited to extend my internship from last semester for another semester!
I am, indeed, an intern at SoHo Publishing Company/Vogue Knitting. It. Is. The. Best. I love waking up to go to work there, I love the people I work with, and I love the work I do. I can only hope that one day I will have the opportunity to work there permanently.
This weekend Vogue Knitting broke new ground with an event called Vogue Knitting Live!, a three-day knitting extravaganza with classes, shopping, a knit art exhibit, all of the biggest knitting celebrities, and what seemed like every knitter in the world. Knitters took up 1/3 of the Hilton hotel in New York. That's huge.
After a semester of entering data about class lists and photocopying course materials, it was amazing to see all of the little pieces come together into an amazing event. Knitters are the best people. The best! Everyone was incredibly nice! Just standing in the hallway and watching everyone interact made me happy.
I do have to admit a bit of embarrassment, though. As I walked alongside my supervisor, Beth, who kept a brisk pace, running around the hotel and answering everyone's questions with a smile (amazing), I looked up, and saw Stephanie Pearl McPhee. Just standing there. And I reacted in a way that I could have never predicted. I could not. Stop. Giggling.
I mean, I was excited, and I don't blame myself, but I always thought I had a little bit more control over my emotions than that! And when she approached me, things just got worse. I was able to squeak out a reply to her question about where the escalators were, but I somehow managed to also add a little "I think you're super cool!!!!!!!" to the end of my directions.
If anyone reads my blog, and that person happens to be at VK Live, and also happens to be checking their blog reader, I will be at the Hilton hotel all weekend helping out, running around, but based at the Beginner Bar, so come and visit! The other place you might be able to find me is the Vogue Knitting booth.
More updates to come! I am just too excited to meet Ysolda Teague, I can't even explain, but if my encounter with the Yarn Harlot was any indication, I probably won't even be able to string a sentence together!
congrats on your internship and have fun this weekend!
How did you get the internship? Can anyone apply for an internship there?
margeau: try this!
Thanks Destack! I will look more into it!
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